
Ck2 joan of arc
Ck2 joan of arc

ck2 joan of arc ck2 joan of arc

There are some other things associated with this bit as well – if you control a Cardinal, and someone wants to excommunicate you and they control no Cardinals, then you’re basically immune to that.” That means you can call in favours from the Pope, but that costs opinion – he’ll like you a little bit less each time you make a request, so you can’t endlessly exploit it. Basically he’ll have plus 200 opinion of you. If you do that, he’s going to be grateful to you, and he’ll have a special bond with you. “There are many advantages to having a Pope from your realm, to have one of your bishops elected Pope. Nine Cardinals appointed by the Pope elect who becomes the new Pope, and this is all done through a new interface, and you can influence this process by spending money in campaign funds, and getting one of your own Clergy into the College. There’s quite a few major additions or changes to Crusader Kings 2, most notably the inclusion of the ‘College of Cardinals’, which changes and governs how a new Pope is elected.

ck2 joan of arc

They are going to pertain to things like relics being found, Monks discussing theology, Sainthood, there’s a Joan of Arc type thing.” it’s probably going to be more events than we’ve added in any other expansion, I think. “The whole focus is of course on the three Abrahamic faiths, and we’ve added a whole lot of flavour events, Easter egg events, events of all kinds. Henrik himself actually see this expansion more like the fifth expansion of Phase One, rather than the first of Phase Two. In Part Two, let’s look at Sons of Abraham itself in more detail, what it brings to the table, and what that could mean going forward. In Part One of our Two-part feature on Crusader Kings II ‘Phase Two’, we talked to Henrik about their DLC plan for the future, past and present, and what their thinking is behind it.

Ck2 joan of arc